Presented by

What if the Immune Health Strategies Used by 34 of the
Very Best Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and Nutritionists Were Right at Your Fingertips?




34 Immune Defense Summit Videos
All 34 Audio Recordings
All 34 Easy-to-Read Transcripts
Plus valuable bonuses!

Own the Immune Defense Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: The Science Behind Strong Immunity Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: 30 Cancer Fighting Foods eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Exposed Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Family Health: Where Immunity Begins Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: 18 Top Antiviral Herbs eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Dangers: The Roots of Disease Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Testing Your Immune Strength Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Winning Immune Health Strategies Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: The Optimal Administration of Vitamin C eBook (Online only)


DIGITAL + shipped



All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (Flash Drive & online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The Science Behind Strong Immunity Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: 30 Cancer Fighting Foods eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Exposed Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Family Health: Where Immunity Begins Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: 18 Top Antiviral Herbs eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Dangers: The Roots of Disease Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Testing Your Immune Strength Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Winning Immune Health Strategies Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The Optimal Administration of Vitamin C eBook (Online only)





All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



The doctors, researchers, scientists and experts featured in the Immune Defense Summit have
dedicated their entire careers to learning and understanding healthy immune function.

One viewing (or even two or three!) isn’t nearly enough to grasp all
the life-changing knowledge shared in all 34 presentations.

That's why you'll want to watch this event again and again and again — and I promise you each time you do —
you'll pick up priceless nuggets you didn't notice before.

(Seriously... I was there during the live expert talks, and when I listened to the recordings later, there were
so many great truths I didn't notice the first time around!)

Owning this information will also make sure you have it to share with someone you love.

Imagine having all the answers they need right at your fingertips… 

Any time, for any situation, for anyone you care about.

But hurry, because these life-saving recordings are only available for a limited time!

You Won't Hear About These
Immune Health Solutions Anywhere Else!

Greatest Health Threats

Dangers to Immunity

Dr. Robert DeMaria

See how negative emotions alter organ function and immunity
6 body signals linked to immune system dysfunction
Dr. Bob’s plan to restore a weakened immune system

Major Immunity Threats

Ronnie Cummins

How modern food production destroys our health
Hidden waste products in our food supply
Honesty about GMOs, organic food (and more!)

The Master Key to Immune Health

Rafael Kellman, MD

How the microbiome influences immunity
Overcoming autoimmune disorders
Important advice for all healthcare providers

The Toxin Solution: Avoiding Disease

Joseph Pizzorno, ND

Which diseases are caused by toxins?
Toxins that MUST be avoided
Links to allergies and autoimmune issues

Avoiding Cancer Cell Growth

Ty Bollinger

The unpopular truth about cancer cells
Most potent anticancer foods and supplements
Common lifestyle habits to avoid

Important Action Steps

Herbal Defense Plan

Cynthia Foster, MD

Dr. Foster reveals her “herbal defense plan”
Herbal medicine secrets to avoid chronic stress problems
Natural ways to overcome respiratory illnesses safely

Cellular Stress: The Link to Disease

David Jockers, DNM, DC

How cellular energy production works
Why oxidative stress MUST be minimized
Best foods and herbs to support cellular health

Overcoming Lyme Disease and Co-Infections

David Minkoff, MD

What Lyme does to immune function
How Lyme negatively affects digestion
Rebuilding immunity in Lyme patients

The Health Impact of Wireless Technology

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

Link between wireless devices and brain damage
How EMF pollution increases autism risk
Best ways to reduce the threat of EMF pollution

The Link Between Emotions and Disease

Niki Gratrix

How emotional trauma triggers disease
Best tips for fixing emotional issues
Fascinating look at relationships and health

"I cannot tell you how much I, and I am sure many others, have appreciated your work with this series.  The information has been amazing and I am truly happy to own all the videos. You are all very much needed in the landscape of health today. Very well done!"

- Sue V.

Natural Immune Solutions

Immune Defense Protocol

Dr. Michael Karlfeldt

The surprising facts about vitamin D
Discover a heavily censored way to improve immunity fast
3 herbal remedies to stop the spread of unwanted pathogens

Supplements for Immune Strength

Michael T. Murray, N.D.

Undeniable reality about nutrition
Best supplements for immune health
Cold and flu prevention strategies

Nature’s Pharmacy: Safe Sickness Solutions

Phil Carson, DPh.

Why natural immunity matters
3 most important protective health tips
Best nutrients for immune strength

The Immune System Recovery Plan

Susan Blum, MD, MPH

Intelligent way to deal with disease
Understanding the "stress connection"
4-step immune system recovery plan

Home Remedy for Infections

Marjory Wildcraft

#1 remedy for infections
Surprising facts about herbal medicine
Safe alternatives to toxic drugs

Censored Truths

Remedies When Sick

Cynthia Foster, MD

Dr. Foster shows you how to quickly get rid of a cold or flu
Two strategies to bring down a fever safely and effectively
Natural ways to remove upper respiratory congestion

The Hidden Value of Fevers

Donna Powers

True purpose of a fever
Why reducing a fever could be a mistake
Safe remedies to treat a fever

How Chronic Infections Block Detox

Chris Shade, PhD

Chronic infections rarely discussed
Special warning for healthcare providers
Which nutrients improve detox pathways

Candida and Immunity:
Solutions You Need to Know

Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP

Candida misunderstandings revealed
Why candida is hard to eliminate
Safely remove the threat of candida

Best Foods for Immune Strength

James Colquhoun

Where does immunity live?
Amazing truths about fermented foods
Revealing look at probiotics (and more!)

Click below to get lifetime access to all
34 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Super Immunity Tips

Signs of Immune Weakness

Dr. Robert DeMaria

The 3 uncommon “warriors” of your immune system health
Best immune system tests to uncover hidden health issues
7 surprising signs of a weak immune system

Vital Tools to Correct Immune Problem

Dr. Peter Osborne

#1 choice to boost immunity
Specific lab tests to measure immunity
Common health mistakes to avoid

How to Lower Your Chronic Disease Temperature

Thomas Lewis, PhD

4 pillars of immune health
Ways to correct immune deficiencies
How to avoid future health problems

Liver Health: Your Guide to Super Immunity

Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen

Why the colon matters for liver health
Best ways to improve liver function
Natural liver detoxification strategies

Biofilm Warnings: Uncovering Toxic Threats

Dr. Thomas Janossy

Key contributors to autoimmune disorders
How "toxic synergy" weakens immunity
Why biofilm is so dangerous

Fixing Immune Dysfunction

Heal the Gut, Heal the Immune System

Edward Group, DC, NP

What causes immune dysfunction
How the gut influences immune health
Surprising value of detox and fasting

Thyroid Disorders and Immune Health

Izabella Wentz, Pharm.D.

Signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders
Proper way to test your thyroid
Best strategies to protect thyroid health

Energy Medicine: Miracle Cures Exposed

Dr. Gerald Smith

How energy medicine beats Western medicine
Special message for cancer patients
Miracle cures revealed

Testing Immune Strength: A Functional Approach

Dr. John Dempster

Holistic view of immune health
How the gut, stress and diet affect immunity
Best functional medicine tests to perform

"I just wanted to drop a note to let you know how very valuable I found this program.  I feel that I have learned more than I ever thought possible.  I purchased the program and am excited to go over it all again to further my knowledge.  Thank you and all the presenters for such a wonderful program. God bless you all."

- Debbie S.

Lifesaving Immune Strategies

Surprising Immune System Solutions

Peter Kan, D.C., D.A.C.N.B.

Exposing the greatest myths linked to immune system function
Early warning signs of a compromised immune system
Simple ways to fix brain, immunity and gut problems

Killing Viruses Naturally

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Suppressed news about the immune system
Natural ways to neutralize toxins
Best protocol to kill any virus

Recovery Story: Saved from Death

Jim Pilcher

How one man nearly died
A SHOCKING story of recovery
Revealing truth about Western medicine

Protecting Immunity:
Effective Herbal Remedies

David Christopher

Favorite herbs for immune health
Best remedy when you don't have herbs
How to keep a child's immunity strong

Repairing and Defending Immune Function

Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD

How the immune system repairs the body
Why a repair deficit should be avoided
Best test to detect future disease issues



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Audio Files + Transcripts

of All 34 Presentations

If you're short on time — or just want to scan through for critical information...

These easy-to-read transcripts provide you with all of the information from each Immune Defense Summit presentation.

Not only that, but we also include audio files so you can listen to all this great info while you exercise, clean, drive, or whenever you want.

Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed

with Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN 

In this video presentation, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. O'Bryan discuss effective treatments for autoimmune diseases, protocols to address gluten sensitivity, and what foods to eat and avoid.

The Science Behind Strong Immunity

with Sayer Ji

In this video presentation, you'll hear an in-depth discussion about the most common immune-suppressing foods, the best ways to relieve stress in your life, and 3 great ways to improve immunity.

Optimal Administration of Vitamin C

by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

All infections, toxin exposures, and chronic degenerative diseases will benefit from properly dosed and administered vitamin C. In this very comprehensive eGuide you will learn all 8 factors to be considered during the optimal administration of vitamin C — including the most effective forms, how much to take, how often to take it, as well as the addition of other co-factors that can boost absorption.

Click below to get lifetime access to all
34 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

30 Cancer Fighting Superfoods

by David Jockers, DNM, DC

This eBook goes over the best foods for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body. Inside you'll find helpful ways to prepare and utilize these powerful foods and herbs.

Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide

with Mike Adams

In this video presentation, Mike reveals what you haven't been told about pandemics. You'll also learn the worst place to be during a pandemic, along with ways you can protect yourself and your family.

Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Exposed

with Brad Case, ND, DC

Western medicine is the leading cause of avoidable deaths – every year.  Legally prescribed drugs and risky medical procedures put lives in danger and very little is done to improve immunity – which is at the core of truly helping people in nee

Listen to this conversation with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Case as they talk about one of the biggest misconceptions in modern medicine – the Germ Theory. They'll also discuss the real role that antibiotics and antiviral medications should play in our life, the true value of probiotics, plus much more about how you can improve your immune system.

Family Health: Where Immunity Begins

with Dr. Heather Wolfson

In this video presentation, you'll hear a detailed discussion about the best foods to build immunity and vital news about toxins and disease. Dr. Wolfson also shares a forgotten truth about breastfeeding.

Click below to get lifetime access to all
34 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

18 Top Antiviral Herbs

by Brian Vaszily

Our primary defense against viruses and other pathogens is a strong immune system. 

In this eBook, you'll discover nature's 18 top herbs that research shows may combat specific common viruses and provide powerful support for a healthy immune system ... and help combat digestive issues, pain, anxiety, skin problems, allergies, fatigue, and other issues, too!

Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance

with Rachel Fresco L.Ac., PhD

There is a growing threat of antibiotic resistance that plagues our society.  Toxic food, the overuse of antibiotics in factory-farmed (conventional) meat and dairy products, and the overall breakdown of our immune system can literally put our life in danger – even if faced with a minor scratch or infection that doesn’t respond to antibiotics.

But, the real danger is in NOT being well informed about how to effectively rid the body of unwanted infections – without the need to depend on toxic medications that simply don’t work.

Listen to this exclusive audio presentation as Dr. Fresco shares how to overcome antibiotic resistance safely and naturally.

Dental Dangers: The Roots of Disease

with Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS

In this video presentation, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Nunnally reveal a shocking truth about poor oral health, share a warning about root canal treated teeth, and discuss how to reverse gum disease and bone infections.

Click below to get lifetime access to all
34 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Testing Your Immune Strength

with Thomas Lewis, PhD

In this video presentation, you'll hear Dr. Lewis share insights into immune health, you'll learn about potential signs of poor immunity, and you'll discover the best ways to measure immune strength.

Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth

with Ronald D. Whitmont, MD

If you have concerns about any health problem from infectious diseases to chronic health problems like sleep disorders and even cancer…this exclusive audio presentation with Dr. Whitmont will provide valuable insights into how to take better care of yourself.

Winning Immune Health Strategies

with Robyn Openshaw

Join Jonathan Landsman and Robyn in this video presentation as they discuss the real problem with antibiotic usage, natural immune-boosting strategies, and the best antibacterial and antiviral supplements.

Take Advantage of Our

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

We are so confident that you will be transformed and helped by the Immune Defense Summit — not to mention the hundreds of dollars in bonuses — that we're willing to offer you this no-risk, money-back guarantee...

If you change your mind for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days, and your full purchase price will be courteously returned.

We are committed to getting the program in as many hands as possible...

So go ahead and get the Immune Defense Summit with no risk!

Experience the freedom that comes with enjoying radiant health, and helping your family and loved ones enjoy it, too.

Get the Immune Defense Summit and take advantage of all the exclusive content and valuable bonuses from our team of experts!

Own the Immune Defense Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: The Science Behind Strong Immunity Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: 30 Cancer Fighting Foods eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Exposed Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Family Health: Where Immunity Begins Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: 18 Top Antiviral Herbs eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Dangers: The Roots of Disease Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Testing Your Immune Strength Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Winning Immune Health Strategies Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: The Optimal Administration of Vitamin C eBook (Online only)


DIGITAL + shipped



All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (Flash Drive & online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The Science Behind Strong Immunity Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: 30 Cancer Fighting Foods eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Selling Sickness: The Germ Hoax Exposed Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Family Health: Where Immunity Begins Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: 18 Top Antiviral Herbs eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Dangers: The Roots of Disease Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Testing Your Immune Strength Video Presentation (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Homeopathic Remedies: The Uncensored Truth Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The Optimal Administration of Vitamin C eBook (Online only)





All 34 Immune Defense Summit Presentations (Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 34 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



Hello, my name is Jonathan Landsman and I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 35 years.

As the creator of, I’ve worked with over 300 of the brightest minds in natural health and science to create over 500 different health programs.

Today, we are facing a serious health crisis.  For example, did you know that drug resistant bacteria or "superbugs" are projected to soon be more lethal than cancer? 

Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization recently said that we are fast approaching a time when things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill.  Why?  Because of compromised immunity. 

The immune system plays a critical role in protecting us from all types of disease, including autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and even common pathogens like the flu, measles, and pneumonia. 

That's why I created this event. To help you understand the roots of disease and how to prevent and reverse life threatening illnesses by empowering your immune system. 

After listening to the Immune Defense Summit, you will discover how to reverse disease symptoms at the root cause by balancing the immune system naturally.



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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only.